Case studies

Have a browse through some of our case studies to get a feel for how we work. The names of these children have been changed to maintain confidentiality. 

  • Meet Jed

    Jed has a very special and ongoing package of support from Now, Next & Then

  • Meet Polly

    Polly was born very early and has a range of sensory and co-ordination challenges

  • Meet George

    George was having huge difficulties with handwriting and confidence

  • Kelly’s Story

    Specialist Parent support helped Kelly following her daughter’s diagnosis of autism

  • Meet Arthur

    Arthur had to navigate school life with a Coordination Disorder and ADHD

  • Meet Esme

    Esme is autistic and is currently unable to attend school having hit ‘autistic burnout’.

  • Meet Milo

    Milo has Developmental Coordination Disorder and has regular support from his OT

  • Meet Caris

    Caris is a child with Down’s Syndrome who is helped in all sorts of practical ways

  • Meet Lewis

    Lewis meets with his Autism Advocacy & Support Specialist weekly

  • Meet Lucy

    Lucy has ADHD and hypermobility; she has poor coordination and sensory needs

  • Claire & Tony’s Story

    Parent support for a child with learning difficulties

  • Meet Adam

    An autistic child who struggled with the move from primary to secondary schooling

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